Home story: Ingrid Simensen

A renovation project sparked Ingrid Simensen’s obsession with colors and led her to pursue working with it full time. Her apartment in Oslo is filled with unique items and hues that spark joy, all adhering to one specific rule: everything she brings into her home must give her butterflies.

“Our home is like our own little Italian summer house in Oslo. My fiancé and I love summer, so we wanted to bring that warm, sunny feeling indoors, especially when coming in from the snow. We've been here for four years now, and when we bought the apartment, our goal was to create more space and open up the rooms.” After nearly a year of searching, the couple bought their current home mainly out of frustration, but they saw potential.

Once they moved in, they reimagined every room except for the bathroom. What was once a small, closed-off kitchen became a bright, open kitchen in the living room, and the former kitchen space was turned into a cozy bedroom. “We wanted a big, social kitchen.”

For Ingrid, a home is more than just a place to live. “It’s about filling it with colors, furniture, and objects that mean something to me and that are practical. I want to be surrounded by things that bring me joy. Growing up, I always felt different, like an outsider, and now, as an adult, I want a space where I can feel proud of myself, where I feel safe and happy. I have this rule—everything I bring into our home has to give me butterflies.”

When trying to describe her interior style, the phrase “pretty punk” comes to mind. It’s colorful, playful, and fun, with a focus on creating joy through every detail. Their home is filled with unique pieces, each holding sentimental value to the couple. Many items were inherited from her grandparents, with the rest of the interior being second-hand items. Her favorite piece? A red recliner that sits proudly in the living room. “If I had to choose just one favorite thing in our home, it would be my mom’s old chair. She bought it with her own money when she was 13, and it’s been with her ever since. Now it’s in our living room—a cool, comfortable red chair that holds so many memories.”

Having always had a fascination and love for colors, the renovation of their current apartment inspired her to make it her career. While shopping for paint, she found herself frustrated by how the colors didn’t look as vibrant at home as they did in the store. She wanted colors that felt bright and uplifting. That curiosity led her to take courses in color theory, and now she helps others create spaces that evoke the same sense of joy and lightness she feels in her own home.

"I have always been drawn to colors. Whether it’s a beautiful sunset, rooms in beautiful colors that give me goosebumps, or collections of lip balms in different hues, when I see colors together I get a tingling in my belly and a sudden urge to collect them all and just watch them to figure out why I find them so pretty."

In the soft glow of their sunny yellow kitchen, Variable Monochrome sits by the dining table, quietly blending into the scene. For Ingrid, who’s never been one to sit still, this chair became more than just a place to sit—it became her way to embrace her restless energy while staying focused on work. And the color was no coincidence. Reminding her of a trip to Mexico, she points out how the Grotto shade shifts with the light, transforming from a warm green to a cool turquoise.

Feeling inspired to dive into the world of colors? See more of Ingrid’s work at @ingrid.si.mensen.

Variable™ Monochrome

A colorful homage to the original kneeling chair. Variable™ Monochrome features seamless transitions from wood to upholstery enhancing the chair’s iconic shape. Add a pop of color to eleveate your space, while still enjoying the remarkable sitting experience of the original Variable™.